Why Horses Wednesday: Holiday Parade!

This episode of WHW is brought to you by the fabulous horse community of Lebanon, Ohio

Every year, there is a wonderful holiday parade in Lebanon.

Of horses.

That’s it.  Horses.

Does this, or does this not, make you want to dash right out with a huge mug of hot cocoa, wrap yourself up in your warmest blanket and go watch?  How lovely is that?  Nothing Disney-fied, no waving cartoon characters made out of flowers.

Here’s our Visual Aid.  Be sure to watch it to the end.  Can you imagine stopping, and then backing up, and eight horse team?

Were those Friesians?

This video got Jane thinking.

Wait!  Don’t leave!

I know when Jane thinks, what follows is usually awkward and goofy, but THIS  time is different.  It might just be goofy, without the awkward!

I’m proposing a horse parade in cyberspace.  With the advent of craft superstores and battery operated decorative lights, I’m sure you can deck Trigger out to the hilt, to celebrate whatever is YOUR beloved holiday this time of year: be it Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, or Winter Solstice.

I know we’re all busy with our home decorations, families, barn chores, and the obligatory sugaring of everything within reach, but we could decorate our favorite thing in the world, our HORSE, and share the ensuing brilliance with like-minded people.

Whatever you do, be safe and kind to your horse first, we don’t want to throw good horsemanship under the bus.  Jane won’t put up any photos of a horse wrapped in Christmas lights and plugged into the wall, for example.  If you put Menorah or Kwanzaa candles along the top of your horse’s neck, just don’t light them, okay?  Winter Solstice people, no swaths of loose cloth.

(And remember, if Christmas is your holiday, poinsettia are toxic to horses, no real poinsettia plants!)

Once you have the basic safety issues covered, let ‘er rip.

I’m excited!  What does a decorated horse look like, in your holiday, from Australia?  Holland?  France?  Belgium?  Austria?  (Aside to Lisa: Haflingers in green lederhosen and…?)  Heck, I want to see what they look like from Colorado, New England and L.A.!

Oh Daaaaaaaisy…..Liiiiilllie….Belllllaaa…Mollllly….Graaaace….

I’m already thinking of Tiny with little twinkling lights in his mane.  Tiny puts up with anything.  We’ve let little girls loose on him with bags of ribbons, flowers, and pink  hoof glitter.

I realize this is very last-minute, because I never think of anything in a timely manner.  It’s possible we may get few photos, but could set a precedent for next year?

What do y’all think?  Are we in?

If yes, send photos to Jane at theliteraryhorse@yahoo.com

(only photos to which you have the rights: we don’t want photos of people/horses without owner’s permission)

7 thoughts on “Why Horses Wednesday: Holiday Parade!

  1. Yippeee, it’s looking good!

    Marissa I can’t wait. I’m sure you’re imagination will have us delighted!
    Checkmark, have someone video/photo you in the parade next year so we can put you up.
    AareneX, I’m thrilled and can’t wait to see your pic.
    Kate: there’s always photoshop for the horses that are not in the holiday spirit?

    Spread the word!

    When sending photos, be sure to put your blog address in the email with the photo, so I can link back to your blog when I post the pic. That way I don’t link your photo to someone else’s blog, a mistake I can see coming a mile away.

    Daisy is ahead of us all, she’s sent me her photo already!

  2. My horses have already survived numerous decorating events, so count us IN!

    BTW, I think the 8-top of blacks must have been Shires–the tails look bobbed.

    If you ever want a draft horse THRILL, there’s a Fair near here that features a game called Crazy 8’s: 8 teams of 8 draft horses (per team) try to execute a figure 8 in the arena, while simultaneously cutting off the other teams who are also trying to execute a figure 8. They do the same game with minis, but with drafties, there’s just so little room for error. Very exciting. I usually watch with my hands over my eyes.

  3. I used to live near Lebanon and I went every year to watch. It was always so cold, but so beautiful. I actually plan on taking my mini, Zephyr, in it next year! Watch for us!

  4. Who knew there were so many lovely draft horses there? And at least one mini!

    I don’t know if any of my horses will tolerate being decorated, but the idea is fun!

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