A Garden Gnome Morphs Into a Sentient Being, and Mr. Chips Calls for His Close Up

Hoping I might have missed a photo of Mr. Chips, I go though the Lost Box of photos again, pulling apart any that stick together.  I have an idea what era I might have a photograph from, so look for the house I was living in at the time. I’m tired.  It’s 2 am. There … Continue reading A Garden Gnome Morphs Into a Sentient Being, and Mr. Chips Calls for His Close Up

Mr. Chips Cracks a Secret of The Universe, and Jane Manages to Stay Out of Prison

I came home from work one day, expecting to find Roz and Mr. Chips in their usual positions, grazing at the lowest end of the pasture, eking out the last possible moments of socializing with the horses next door.  No one’s parents yelled “dinner time!” yet. Roz was grazing in star-crossed angst, muzzle to muzzle … Continue reading Mr. Chips Cracks a Secret of The Universe, and Jane Manages to Stay Out of Prison