Sites for Sore Eyes: The Beautiful Blogger Awards

Update: I was clicking on the links and thinking: Hey, where the heck is Aarene??  My apologies to Haiku Farm and Aarene, who is also an award recipient!  Note to self: never hit “Publish” button while neighbor is knocking on back door.  Checking the list twice is something all kids learn as soon as they learn language.  (Even those who have no need.  Muzak: it’s everywhere.)  Santa does it.  So should I.

Award time!

Here are some of the blogs near and dear to my heart.  If you are a recipient of the award, click on the “…Keep Reading” button for instructions, and help yourself to cake.  That annoying singing is me – trying to alphabetize the blogs (ABCDEFG….HIJK….), they are not in an order of preference.  Fifty two years old and I still have to sing the alphabet.  No wonder I do squircles.  (That’s what my trainer calls my attempts at a 20M circle:  “Jane!  You’re squircling again.”)

Award recipients, keep reading!

The award come with three instructions:

  1. Link back to the blog bestowing the honor.
  2. Say 7 things your readers might not know about you.
  3. Pass the award on to 15 blogs that you find beautiful.

Here’s a thought:  if you have already received this award, why not pick it up again, and link to a blog you weren’t able to include previously?

Don’t forget to notify the recipients so they can come pick up the award.  It’s always polite to send trackbacks to the receiving blogs, since not all will be using the same host.

15 thoughts on “Sites for Sore Eyes: The Beautiful Blogger Awards

  1. Jane, thank you so much for mentioning me in your awards list! What an honor to be held in the company of such great blogs. I really appreciate it!

      1. That’s okay! It’s the thought that counts. 🙂 These awards are to honor *you*, it doesn’t matter if I get a link back.

        Sadly, everyone’s lives are not all about me.
        *back of hand to forehead, in best Scarlett O’Hara style*

  2. Thanks! I’m flattered! The problem is you and I read the same blogs . . . I know, it’s your evil plan to send me on a mission that will immerse me in horse blogs for days on end!

  3. Thanks Jane! Wow. That makes three nominations and I still need to write my acceptance speech.

  4. I’m thrilled!!!! I am always unsure every time I hit “publish’! Thank you so much! I will have to think about the seven things- seems like I blab about myself so much! Thank you again – that is very encouraging!

  5. Thanks Jane. I’m honored you thought of me for this award. I’ve received it twice already so don’t know what I can possibly add to my list but I’ll give you a link back. Thanks again I appreciate it.

  6. Woohoo!!!! Doing the happy dance. Now I have the horrific task of visiting 15 of my favorite blogs…

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